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1. 如何去掉恼人的喇叭声,在笔记本上用OpenBSD必然遭遇。
2. OpenBSD没有好用的nVidia显卡驱动,请注意。
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Re: OpenBSD学习必看
这什么情况?我用OB也10年以上了,用过龙芯本、dell本、thinkpad X、asus上网本,没遇到喇叭声。1. 如何去掉恼人的喇叭声,在笔记本上用OpenBSD必然遭遇。
这是核弹老黄的问题。Linux 的 n卡驱动也一样难搞。2. OpenBSD没有好用的nVidia显卡驱动,请注意。
Re: OpenBSD学习必看
文中的 xset b off 命令可以在使用 Xorg 时用 fvwm 等窗口管理器的时候没有喇叭声,至于什么时候会出现,大概在使用命令关机时和在 xterm 删除空字符时会响起来。在不用 Xorg 的控制台也会响。
喇叭声貌似不适用于不带蜂鸣器的电脑,我在虚拟机上测试就不会响,在备用机的 OB 上倒是会响。
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Learning to read manuals and thinking about how to write great scripts.
Great collections: awesome-openbsd
Re: OpenBSD学习必看
喇叭问题,自己的笔记 ... s/drv2iz8/
1. 没有X的时候,volume=0 才能关闭(即使volume=1 结果都是最大声的)
wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0
I too prefer volume=0 but you can also change the frequency and duration using the method /u/rufwoof suggests. Check out
# wsconsctl -a | grep bell
where you can set the pitch and period in addition to the volume in case you like a little audio indicator but want to tweak it from a loud jarring beep to a short subtle low click.
edit: You can also change them on the fly without needing to reboot to pick up the /etc/wsconsctl.conf settings by just using # wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0 on the command-line and tweaking whichever settings you want until you're satisfied; then write those settings to your /etc/wsconsctl.conf file
# wsconsctl -a | grep keyboard.bell >> /etc/wsconsctl.conf
2. 如果启动X界面,必须
You can set the bell on, off or to a volume level i.e. xset b 80
xset b on
xset b off
xset b 80 ... s/drv2iz8/
1. 没有X的时候,volume=0 才能关闭(即使volume=1 结果都是最大声的)
wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0
I too prefer volume=0 but you can also change the frequency and duration using the method /u/rufwoof suggests. Check out
# wsconsctl -a | grep bell
where you can set the pitch and period in addition to the volume in case you like a little audio indicator but want to tweak it from a loud jarring beep to a short subtle low click.
edit: You can also change them on the fly without needing to reboot to pick up the /etc/wsconsctl.conf settings by just using # wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0 on the command-line and tweaking whichever settings you want until you're satisfied; then write those settings to your /etc/wsconsctl.conf file
# wsconsctl -a | grep keyboard.bell >> /etc/wsconsctl.conf
2. 如果启动X界面,必须
You can set the bell on, off or to a volume level i.e. xset b 80
xset b on
xset b off
xset b 80
Re: OpenBSD学习必看
感谢解惑,我也记录一下该方法。f5b 写了: ↑2023-10-16 22:00喇叭问题,自己的笔记 ... s/drv2iz8/
1. 没有X的时候,volume=0 才能关闭(即使volume=1 结果都是最大声的)
wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0
I too prefer volume=0 but you can also change the frequency and duration using the method /u/rufwoof suggests. Check out
# wsconsctl -a | grep bell
where you can set the pitch and period in addition to the volume in case you like a little audio indicator but want to tweak it from a loud jarring beep to a short subtle low click.
edit: You can also change them on the fly without needing to reboot to pick up the /etc/wsconsctl.conf settings by just using # wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0 on the command-line and tweaking whichever settings you want until you're satisfied; then write those settings to your /etc/wsconsctl.conf file
# wsconsctl -a | grep keyboard.bell >> /etc/wsconsctl.conf
2. 如果启动X界面,必须
You can set the bell on, off or to a volume level i.e. xset b 80
xset b on
xset b off
xset b 80
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Learning to read manuals and thinking about how to write great scripts.
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