The OpenBSD Porter's handbook


版主: chenjun天地乾坤

帖子: 2465
注册时间: 2010-01-21 3:27

The OpenBSD Porter's handbook

帖子 leo » 2010-08-30 20:16


[up to FAQ] [Next: The OpenBSD Ports System] OpenBSD Porter's Handbook

The OpenBSD Porter's Handbook is supplemental documentation to the man pages, which are available online.
1 - The OpenBSD Ports System
2 - OpenBSD Porting Guide
3 - Special Porting Topics
4 - Port Testing Guide
5 - Differences from other BSD projects
The base OpenBSD operating system is fairly complete in its own right. However, there is a large amount of third-party software one might want to use in addition to the base system. The OpenBSD developers have done the hard work to make many thousands of third-party applications available as pre-compiled binary packages. These binary packages are then generally managed with the pkg_* tools:
  • pkg_add(1) to install or update a new package,
  • pkg_delete(1) to remove an installed package, and
  • pkg_info(1) to display package details such as a description of what the application does.
In order to create a binary package, developers will start out with a Makefile that contains the list of instructions to fetch, extract, patch, configure, compile, and package the raw soure code. The collection of all these Makefiles is collectively known as the ports system.
In this handbook, we will explain how the ports system works and show you how to create or update your own port including the guidelines for submitting your work back to the OpenBSD project.
To get the most out of this handbook, you'll want to be very familiar with the pkg_* tools and the base system. To learn more about packages, see packages(7)
NOTE: The ports & packages collection does NOT go through the thorough security audit that the OpenBSD base system does. Although we strive to keep the quality of the packages collection high, we just do not have enough human resources to ensure the same level of robustness and security as in the base OS. [up to FAQ] [Next: The OpenBSD Ports System]



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