- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动,用 xmonad 命令也不能启动到桌面,
# more /home/xmonad
Adding xmonad-0.10:gmp-5.0.2p0
Adding xmonad-0.10
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:ghc-7.0.4p3
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-syb-0.3.3
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-transformers-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-mtl-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-X11-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10
Adding hs-xmonad-contrib-0.10:hs-X11-xft-0.3p4
Adding hs-xmonad-contrib-0.10
--- +xmonad-0.10 -------------------
For a configurable xmonad (using ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs ), you should
also install the xmonad-lib package. For even more fun (like the
spiral layout), you may want to install the hs-xmonad-contrib
照上面提示:~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs 也建立了 xmonad文件夹,也把xmonad.hs复制到 此目录下,还是不能启动到桌面
# more /home/xmonad
Adding xmonad-0.10:gmp-5.0.2p0
Adding xmonad-0.10
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:ghc-7.0.4p3
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-syb-0.3.3
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-transformers-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-mtl-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10:hs-X11-
Adding xmonad-lib-0.10
Adding hs-xmonad-contrib-0.10:hs-X11-xft-0.3p4
Adding hs-xmonad-contrib-0.10
--- +xmonad-0.10 -------------------
For a configurable xmonad (using ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs ), you should
also install the xmonad-lib package. For even more fun (like the
spiral layout), you may want to install the hs-xmonad-contrib
照上面提示:~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs 也建立了 xmonad文件夹,也把xmonad.hs复制到 此目录下,还是不能启动到桌面
回复: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
没用过xmonad,用过awesome 和 i3 ,都能启动到桌面,但是i3玩不转,适合定义好布局,一启动就能进入工作状态
回复: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: Re: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
如何编译,还是请你写出来sw2wolf 写了:xmonad.hs需要先编译才能用
Re: 回复: Re: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
好像是`xmonad --recompile`, 好外没用了, 你查查看.junfengfan 写了:如何编译,还是请你写出来
e^(π.i) + 1 = 0
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: Re: 回复: Re: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
sw2wolf 写了:好像是`xmonad --recompile`, 好外没用了, 你查查看.
#xmonad --recompile xmonad.hs
xmonad: user error (unrecognized flags)
Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
去掉xmonad.hs, 直接`xmonad --recompile", 当然,xmonad.hs须在~/.xmonad里junfengfan 写了:#xmonad --recompile xmonad.hs
xmonad: user error (unrecognized flags)
e^(π.i) + 1 = 0
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
# xmonad --recompile
Error detected while loading xmonad configuration file: /root/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
Please check the file for errors.
# Error: Can't open display:
Error detected while loading xmonad configuration file: /root/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
Please check the file for errors.
# Error: Can't open display:
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
下面有 CONFIG xmonad.hs两个文件,
# more CONFIG
== Configuring xmonad ==
xmonad is configured by creating and editing the file:
xmonad then uses settings from this file as arguments to the window manager,
on startup. For a complete example of possible settings, see the file:
Further examples are on the website, wiki and extension documentation.
== A simple example ==
Here is a basic example, which overrides the default border width,
default terminal, and some colours. This text goes in the file
$HOME/.xmonad/xmonad.hs :
import XMonad
main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
{ borderWidth = 2
, terminal = "urxvt"
, normalBorderColor = "#cccccc"
, focusedBorderColor = "#cd8b00" }
You can find the defaults in the file:
== Checking your xmonad.hs is correct ==
Place this text in ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs, and then check that it is
syntactically and type correct by loading it in the Haskell
$ ghci ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
GHCi, version 6.8.1: :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Prelude Main> :t main
main :: IO ()
Ok, looks good.
== Loading your configuration ==
To have xmonad start using your settings, type 'mod-q'. xmonad will
then load this new file, and run it. If it is unable to, the defaults
are used.
To load successfully, both 'xmonad' and 'ghc' must be in your $PATH
environment variable. If GHC isn't in your path, for some reason, you
can compile the xmonad.hs file yourself:
$ cd ~/.xmonad
$ ghc --make xmonad.hs
$ ls
xmonad xmonad.hi xmonad.hs xmonad.o
When you hit mod-q (?是什么意思?), this newly compiled xmonad will be used.
== Where are the defaults? ==
The default configuration values are defined in the source file:
the XConfig data structure itself is defined in:
== Extensions ==
Since the xmonad.hs file is just another Haskell module, you may import
and use any Haskell code or libraries you wish. For example, you can use
things from the xmonad-contrib library, or other code you write
下面有 CONFIG xmonad.hs两个文件,
# more CONFIG
== Configuring xmonad ==
xmonad is configured by creating and editing the file:
xmonad then uses settings from this file as arguments to the window manager,
on startup. For a complete example of possible settings, see the file:
Further examples are on the website, wiki and extension documentation.
== A simple example ==
Here is a basic example, which overrides the default border width,
default terminal, and some colours. This text goes in the file
$HOME/.xmonad/xmonad.hs :
import XMonad
main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
{ borderWidth = 2
, terminal = "urxvt"
, normalBorderColor = "#cccccc"
, focusedBorderColor = "#cd8b00" }
You can find the defaults in the file:
== Checking your xmonad.hs is correct ==
Place this text in ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs, and then check that it is
syntactically and type correct by loading it in the Haskell
$ ghci ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
GHCi, version 6.8.1: :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Prelude Main> :t main
main :: IO ()
Ok, looks good.
== Loading your configuration ==
To have xmonad start using your settings, type 'mod-q'. xmonad will
then load this new file, and run it. If it is unable to, the defaults
are used.
To load successfully, both 'xmonad' and 'ghc' must be in your $PATH
environment variable. If GHC isn't in your path, for some reason, you
can compile the xmonad.hs file yourself:
$ cd ~/.xmonad
$ ghc --make xmonad.hs
$ ls
xmonad xmonad.hi xmonad.hs xmonad.o
When you hit mod-q (?是什么意思?), this newly compiled xmonad will be used.
== Where are the defaults? ==
The default configuration values are defined in the source file:
the XConfig data structure itself is defined in:
== Extensions ==
Since the xmonad.hs file is just another Haskell module, you may import
and use any Haskell code or libraries you wish. For example, you can use
things from the xmonad-contrib library, or other code you write
Re: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
你用`xmonad --recompile`编译, 然后在~/.xinit中加上exec xmonad试试! 附件是以前用的。
- 附件
e^(π.i) + 1 = 0
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: openbsd安装xmonad窗口管理器不能启动
成功了,但为何只有一个桌面?看起来很酷;alt +2 切换到第二个桌面,依次类推
你現在已經登入成功 而且已經在用 XMonad 了
不信的話 可以試試
Alt-Space : 切換視窗的layout方式
Alt-j : focus上方的視窗
Alt-k : focus下方的視窗
Alt-h : 縮小focus的視窗
Alt-l : 放大focus的視窗
Alt-p :
Alt-Shift-2: 把現在focus的視窗丟到workspace 2
你現在已經登入成功 而且已經在用 XMonad 了
不信的話 可以試試
Alt-Space : 切換視窗的layout方式
Alt-j : focus上方的視窗
Alt-k : focus下方的視窗
Alt-h : 縮小focus的視窗
Alt-l : 放大focus的視窗
Alt-p :
Alt-Shift-2: 把現在focus的視窗丟到workspace 2
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