Look out ARM, Intel, here comes MIPS – again

BSD当然要运行在RISC平台上,主要讨论但不限于 ARM,MIPS,PowerPC,SPARC
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注册时间: 2011-07-07 21:52

Look out ARM, Intel, here comes MIPS – again

帖子 acheng » 2013-08-31 5:51

MIPS Technologies 公司2013年2月被一家叫做Imagination Technologies的公司以一亿美元收购(之前没看到相关新闻)。Imagination的CEO想要恢复MIPS CPU昔日的辉煌。让我们拭目以待。
Imagination Technologies, best known for its PowerVR graphics-core designs used by a host of system-on-chip (SoC) purveyors from Apple to Intel, wants world+dog to know that it is dedicated to grabbing a hefty chunk of the compute-core market with its MIPS-based designs resulting from its acquisition of that venerable company, completed this February.

"We didn't acquire MIPS for the hell of it," Imagination CEO Hossein Yassaie told a gathering of reporters and analysts on Wednesday. "You know, a hundred million dollars is a quite lot of money for an IP company to spend on a business."

MIPS compute-core designs may have made their mark in embedded systems, but Yassaie's plans are more far-reaching than that. "The reason for acquiring MIPS is because we want to make sure we have an architecture we can take to every market that requires a CPU," he said.

"We are aiming to have 25 per cent market share of the CPU IP market. What we are trying to do is get MIPS back to its glory days."
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/08/29 ... ute_cores/

银 Ag
帖子: 1083
注册时间: 2010-06-07 18:52

帖子 unreal » 2013-08-31 22:17

RISC 鼻祖都到了这地步,难道要我象怀念 nokia S60 那样怀念 mips么?那我是买台N64呢还是PS2呢还是PSP呢??

关于收购,反正龙芯是没买成。arm买了mips的64位专利,随后发布ARM64产品线。期待 PowerVR GPU的MIPS SoC 在消费电子市场的表现。

银 Ag
帖子: 1083
注册时间: 2010-06-07 18:52

Imagination公司推出首款MIPS P5600 CPU核心

帖子 unreal » 2013-11-08 21:41

今年6月份的时候,Imagination Technologies宣布其将推出首款MIPS 5系列"Warrior"CPU核心;在10月,该公司公布该核心的详情。P5600是一款32bit核心,面向移动和嵌入式设备。得益于MIPS Release 5 ISA,能够支持128bit SIMD计算和硬件虚拟化。P5600能够通过虚拟寻址实现TB级内存的访问,使它可用于网络应用和微服务器。Imagination在设计P5600时候已考虑到集群应用,6个核心在"相干管理"(coherence manager)下使用8MB的二级缓存。采用了台积电28nm工艺,单个核心的频率可提升至2GHz。

相关来源:techreport.com Imagination Technologies

PS:还是期待含 PowerVR GPU 的MIPS SoC。



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