6.1 今天发布了!
6.1 今天发布了!
Loongson 平台可算支持龙芯3A处理器,OpenBSD/loongson页面的Supported hardware还没添加Lemote星火6100。
另,俺只想吐槽 日本鬼子的文化输出在西方世界就是成功~中华之文化软实力亟待加强啊
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
New syspatch(8) utility for security and reliability binary updates to the base system.
New syspatch(8) utility for security and reliability binary updates to the base system.
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
对了,OpenBSD 看起来也可以运行在windows 10的hyper-v虚拟机里面了
OpenBSD 6.1 release amd64位可以正常安装,虚拟机里面的网卡是hvn
OpenBSd 6.1 release i386也可以安装,但是没有网卡
OpenBSD 6.1 release amd64位可以正常安装,虚拟机里面的网卡是hvn
OpenBSd 6.1 release i386也可以安装,但是没有网卡
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
因目前之应用无意升级。正在用 Py3.4.3 填坑,教材是3.4的。升级OS之后 3.4.x 可能就没了。对 Py 经常改特性有阴影……很久以前看 2.2 的教材在 2.4上面挖坑,结果例程全都语法不对,当时的心情无以言表 -_-
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
python-2.7.13p0.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 10967275
python-3.4.5p2.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 12677285
python-3.5.2p2.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 14548897
python-2.7.13p0.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 10967275
python-3.4.5p2.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 12677285
python-3.5.2p2.tgz 02-Apr-2017 15:01 14548897
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
嗯,等x61换了键盘再升级。另外,ald(Assembly Language Debugger) 居然只在 i386 平台才有。
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
List: openbsd-misc
Subject: Re: ordering
From: "Theo de Raadt" <deraadt () openbsd ! org>
Date: 2017-04-16 6:10:42
Message-ID: 52607.1492323042 () cvs ! openbsd ! org
[Download message RAW]
Hi Vijay and everyone else,
> I had sent an email to [email protected] regarding this
> yesterday and they replied that "there isn't a 6.1 cd, please check
> out the obsd.org site to persuade them to make one...". However I did
> not want to bother the list and the developers in case CDs are not the
> way to go. I did a search on mailing list messages but did not see
> anything about 6.1 CDs.
True. The 6.1 ANNOUNCEMENT does not list an upcoming CD.
6.0 was announced as the last CD release.
6.0 says so in the liner notes.
It is hard to believe OpenBSD followers missed that.
6.0 had 6 songs. It was meant to be over the top, a celebration.
I sung the lyrics for the 6th song:
Goodbye CDs
I'm done with you today
No more pre-production
And no more long delays
So I have peace
Of mind
I am a sorry for people who missed the cues, but this change is
personal. I made 40 CD releases in 20 years, investing personal
effort and risk to build and sustain the costs of this project and
I do not want to keep making CDs to sustain myself and the project
anymore. Other ways need to work now.
The decision is not only economical. I don't want the "friction" of
trying to achieve high-quality production of collector item data CDs
twice a year, in 2017. 6.0 was a high-quality CD release like
previous ones, but don't want to expend the effort of producing and
testing to make sure 6.1, 6.2 etc are up to that standard. It is
better to call it quits on a high note.
Having done 6.1 without a CD, we learn that incorporating CDs into the
production cycle has been a big drag, basically 1 month out of 6.
Other project developers and processes were locked to that cycle. It
is shocking how easy a release cycle is without a CD. Generally our
tree is always ready, we may be able to do future releases at the drop
of a hat.
As long as we produce a release the developers can be proud of. That
is more important than making a CD -- by far.
> So I am thinking that the CD's may be ready only by May 1 and the
> release date was pushed earlier for some reason (just a guess
> because in 2015 and before, CDs were released in May and November)
The shop will not be selling 6.1 CDs.
Most things come to an end, sorry.
> If no OpenBSD CDs are going to be released, then probably it is better
> to just send a donation to the OpenBSD foundation and/or to Theo de
> Raadt.
Vijay, that is the correct way to sustain the software.
The CDs haven't pulled in sustaining revenue for many years.
Based upon income from contributors the Foundation performs a
fantastic function -- making worries and problems disappear.
> If CD's are going to be released, of course, I would be first
> in line since I have all CD's since 2.8
That is a good collection. I have one of each, and ones before that.
I've heard that 2.5 is the most difficult to acquire.
I think the audio CDs are undervalued. They contain no dorky software
-- they are lyrics + music + drawing, just art. Dorky art sure, but
no software...
Sorry guys.
Anyone want to buy some well-used CD burners?
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
从5.9就全面开始支持UTF-8,6.1公告说xterm也支持了,但实际打字测试,效果还不如5.8。本就支持的 roxterm 反而变奇怪了,每个汉字前面都有个ascii 的反白问号。而且删除汉字仍然是半个半个删的,还无法删完。
还有,想加装 game61.tgz,以前的手动添加安装组件包的方法不行了,tar总是报错,看FAQ也没有以前的方法了,改成用 bsd.rd 来启动添加。直接解包到 /home 算了,游戏哪儿都一样玩。有空用py3重写几个。py拒绝启动还无解……
从5.9就全面开始支持UTF-8,6.1公告说xterm也支持了,但实际打字测试,效果还不如5.8。本就支持的 roxterm 反而变奇怪了,每个汉字前面都有个ascii 的反白问号。而且删除汉字仍然是半个半个删的,还无法删完。
还有,想加装 game61.tgz,以前的手动添加安装组件包的方法不行了,tar总是报错,看FAQ也没有以前的方法了,改成用 bsd.rd 来启动添加。直接解包到 /home 算了,游戏哪儿都一样玩。有空用py3重写几个。py拒绝启动还无解……
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
unreal 写了:今天把ob/amd64从5.8直升6.1,经历数次下载安装组件包时网速为零的折磨,最后总算完成了。packages也升级了两次,貌似比较圆满,实则陷坑不知几何。
Upgrades are only supported from one release to the release immediately following it.
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
f5b 写了:对普通用户来说,可能最大的改进是支持二进制更新补丁了,就是说,类似FreeBSD和Windows这样直接打补丁,不用自己从源代码build
New syspatch(8) utility for security and reliability binary updates to the base system.
确实很方便,今天发现有几个补丁了 ,顺手更新,妥妥的。
Re: 6.1 今天发布了!
release也是一个snapshot,只不过这个特殊版本官方会有1年的patch支持,其他版本用户自负。unreal 写了:重新安装了5月8号的amd64快照。版本显示 6.1 current
6.0 current
6.1 beta
6.1 release
6.1 current
6.2 beta
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